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Best Museum to Visit in Bandung (plus the honorable mention) #Instagrammable Episode 1

Welcome to instagrammable. An episode where I share places that I thought pleasing in the eyes and worth a post in your instagram gallery! Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Greetings people! Beberapa minggu lalu, aku memutuskan untuk menyembuhkan hati dengan cara travelling. Gak jauh-jauh, ke Bandung aja yang cuman 3-5 jam dari Jakarta. Ada beberapa goal dari travelling kali ini: 1. Kembali merasakan apa yang namanya "manusia hidup" setelah 6 bulan memutuskan menjadi budak korporat di salah satu perusahan consulting management ternama di dunia wkwwkwkwk. Grateful for that, but yo' girl gotta live despite gaji 9,5 juta that they offer. 2. Mencoba mendapatkan dan mendalami apa yang disebut experiential travel. Kalau kalian belum pernah dengar, di dalam industri travel and tourism, terminologi tersebut sedang hangat-hangatnya dipasarkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak di industri tersebut. Salah satunya unicorn asli tanah air yang mengeluarkan x-perience nya....

Bless my broken road

When Allah says that rain is a blessing, it trully is a blessing. I can feel how it brings peace and calmness to my heart. It reminds me how small I am. It shows me that I deserve to feel happy. One of my current favorite verse is still the same, Al Mukminun:29 That at the end of the day, the best place, is the blessed place. And I want to be there. I want a blessed place. But I'm pretty sure. The broken road that I am crossing in right now, is also a blessed broken road. I've wronged myself here. I lost myself here. I lost my friends here. But I found myself back here. I run to my God from here. I imagine myself, being in the autumn, of English countryside, smelling the fresh grass, under the blue sky, surrounded the pinkish orangy leaves. Yaa Allah, take me there. Take me at peace. I will be there one day. But only if it's a blessed place. After February, I promise Sasqia I'll slow down. I promise Sasqia I'll do good deeds....
I am wrong I've wronged myself Allah blessed me But I've wronged Him, and my self And here I am, forcing myself to stop, Before I went to far and worship something other than Him Allah gave me power Allah gave me wealth Allah gave me knowledge But have I done good deeds with them? Only a little, too little to be count I used to put the world in my hand Then it became both of my hands Then I put it on brain Then it went to my veins Then it had me put it in my heart This is when something went too far This is when I turned blessing into calamity This is when I started to be mildly depressed I don't feel that happy as I thought I would I have never felt that lighthearted Worse, I just feel like I don't fit And I've tried so hard to fit in Then I realize I should never try to I am not a slave of the world I am a slave of Allah It's the intention that was wrong Intention to fit Intention to be one of those This place is n...

Rangkuman Kehidupan Perkuliahanku: Pada akhirnya, anak HI ini mau jadi konsultan

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Salam, Semesta! Udah lama aku gak nulis di blog ini, hampir setahun bahkan ya, padahal blog ini dulunya temen aku berjuang masuk HI UI. Alhamdulillah here I am di HI UI sudah memasuki semester terakhir. Hidupku benar-benar diberkahi Allah di sini. Aku bermimpi, aku jatuh, aku bangun, aku kalah, aku jatuh, aku bangun, aku menang, aku terbang, aku menangis, aku tertawa, saat aku berhenti sejenak, aku sudah ribuan kilometer lebih jauh dari titik pertama kali aku memutuskan untuk bermimpi. Tulisan ini akan menjadi pengingat buat aku betapa Allah baik dan sayang sama aku, walau sudah seluas gunung dan sedalam samudera dosa-dosa ini. Let's recap my whole semester di HI UI. FIRST YEAR Semester satu dan dua tempatnya aku mencari jati diri. Pada waktu ini aku mencari jati diri dalam beberapa aspek: Aku pengen orang ngeliat aku kayak gimana dan aku tuh pengen masuk komunitas apa? Gaya berpakaian yang aku banget itu apa? Apa mimpi-mimpi aku di sini...